The Man Behind Berlin IPA


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Varenummer (SKU): TMB-BI Kategorier: ,



The subtle bite of hops when Berlin India Pale Ale hits your palate, immediately tells even the most reserved connoisseur that there’s a new brew in town.
IPA’s are slightly demanding beers. Their pungent flavors won’t melt into the background, they want your full attention. To achieve harmony between bitter notes and freshness is a test of the master brewer’s craftmanship. Berlin India Pale Ale with its perfect balance between drinkability and attitude, is a regular show of force from The Man Behind. The tingling sensation from thousands of tangy bubbles bursting on the tongue is nothing short of outstanding.
Berlin India Pale Ale goes down so smoothly yet leaves such a lasting impression.

IPA / India Pale Ale 5,8%


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